
THE WONDER LIBRARY, Plastilin teatteri (Finland)


Listen, listen now! It's time to join a world full of magic and recognition. Welcome to a journey that will let you see the worlds of other people! Our play will take you to an adventure where empathy and relation are the key.

Nowadays, more than ever, people need to understand each other. We truly believe that this play will be a powerful tool for a mutual understanding. Families everywhere, join our heartwarming story which calls us for better comprehension. Let’s see the world differently - with us!

Esiintyjät / Performers: Pirja Arponen ja Maria Saporovskaja

Esityksen idea / Concept of the performance: Työryhmä

Puvustus / Costume design: Työryhmä

Wo in Finnland?



Passende Erfahrung in August


Mustan ja Valkoisen Teatterifestivaali

Koskenparras 3, 55100 Imatra
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