
Reindeer Park Visit - Meet and feed reindeer

Von 7 €
Dauer 15 minuten

When you visit our reindeer park, you’ll feel as if you’re in Lapland. Meet our friendly reindeer and feed them. You learn about these arctic creatures. Our reindeer are very friendly and they come close to you as a friend.

At the moment, we have ten reindeer living in our park. Every spring new babies are born. Every reindeer has their own character and some of them have been in special cases. The leader of the group, Visa, is a well known actor in theatre and films.

All our reindeer are tame and love lichen, which you can feed them during your visit. You can visit the reindeer park and make friends with the herd.

Wo in Finnland?



Passende Erfahrung ganzjährig


Valkeisen Loma

Valkeisentie 157, 63700 Ähtäri
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