
A cruise to Astuvansalmi rock paintings on the Rib Saimaa boat

From 35 €
Duration 90 minutes

Astuvansalmi Rock Paintings in Ristiina, Mikkeli, takes us to the pre-history. Come and join the guided tour to experience breathtaking rocks and atmophere that Astuvansalmi offers. Only from the lake you possibly can figure out why just this place was the holy place to the ancient Finns and why these rocks are so unique.

Leaving from Restaurant Varkaantaipale.

Information and reservations:

+358405558250 / Heikki Väisänen


Tämä on yksi Päämajasi Saimaalla -tuotteista.

Where in Finland ?



Suitable experience in May, June, July, August, September, October


Rib Saimaa

Suurlahdentie 1671, 52360 Mikkeli
Visit website