
Taiga Forest Walk

From 60 €
Duration 3 hours

Welcome to experience the treasures of Finland. Borearctia takes you to the local forest of European importance. In Europe you can find Boreal Taiga Forests only in Northern Europe. These forests are inspiring with their layers of old and young trees, the green soft carpets of mosses and the artistic lichens on the stones and trees.  Our destination are the particular Boreal Taiga Forests located near the Baltic Sea, to add an extra element to your Taiga Forest Walk.

Walking in the Taiga Forests is simply relaxing. Studies have confirmed, what many Finnish people know from their own experience, that staying in nature improves well-being. Maybe one reason why Finland is the happiest country of the world?

On top of the relaxing experience you will learn many interesting things about Boreal Forests, including local history, as your guide is an expert of Boreal nature.

Where in Finland ?



Suitable experience all year


CNature with Borearctia

Porkkalantie 1826, 02480 Kirkkonummi
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