Explore the scenery and peaceful tranquility of this wilderness area - beautiful Lake Koitere and one of its large islands, Lammassaari, as well as other nearby islands. The term "pearl" is used in different contexts with Koitere - nicknames of Koitere nicknames include "Pearl of Karelia" and "North Karelia Phuket". On this 3-day canoe tour you can in addition to paddling, fish, swim, eat freshly picked berries and enjoy all the other wonders of East Finland diverse nature.
You will spend 3 days paddling around 30-40 km and exploring the islands of Koitere, spending nights in an empty house or sleeping in tent at the breakpoints with huts, fireplaces and dry toilet or just on the sand shore of your choice. Along the way, you can explore Lammassaari, other islands next to it, fish, pick berries, find and watch various butterflies and birds flying, and the large sand and rock shores. In the evenings just sit next to the crackling campfire and enjoy the true silence of nature mixed with sounds of the fireplace, small waves and swaying trees nearby as the sun is going down and coloring both the skyline and the water – this is a perfect setting after a day spent in the waters.