
Pyhä-Häkki National Park


Take a stroll into the best preserved old-growth forests in Southern Finland. See 400-year-old pine trees that bear scars of ancient forest fires. Such forests give you a sense of timelessness, encouraging you to slow down and savour the natural scene. The residents of the old croft at Poika-aho surely told their children tales of the trolls and elves who lived out in the wild woods.

In nature conservation areas, everyman's rights do not apply in the normal way. Please always check the rules of the destination before making your trip. National parks are nature reserves, whose key task is to safeguard biodiversity and enable people to enjoy and relax in nature on the terms of nature conservation.

All national parks in Finland are managed by Metsähallitus.

Where in Finland ?



Suitable experience all year


Metsähallitus Luontopalvelut

Viitasaarentie 2125, 43170 Saarijärvi
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