
Kimitoön Islands 1 Day Archipelago Tour

Duración 1 días

The municipality of Kimitoön consists of over 3000 islands, which offer a plenty to see and experience. During the day, the history of Kimitoön and the area’s modern-day culture will be explored. Lunch will be enjoyed in Käsnäs, followed by a visit to the Söderlångvik Manor. The manor serves as the home of the Amos Anderson museum and their store carries a selection of local produce and handicraft. A visit to the factory village, Dalsbruk, allows to encounter old residential and ironworks buildings from many past eras. The local church is the last destination of the tour.

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Experiencia adecuada en May, June, July, August, September


Pohjolan Matka DMC

Kemiönsaari, 25700 Kemiönsaari
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