
Dark Visions - Outdoormovie Festival

Kinosalonki Sofia's summer season ends with the Pimeät kuvat/Dark visions film festival, which is being organized now for the first time, but which is supposed to be an annual event during Raahen Pimiät. What is better for warm, dark evenings than the glow of a movie and people gathering together around the big screen!

During the festival, the Bio Huvimylly exhibition also opens at Kinosalong, which celebrates the beloved wooden Bio Huvimylly cinema that operated between 1937 and 2011.

NOTE! CINEMA WALKS Scripted and led by author Pauliina Vanhatalo, the walking tour in Old Raahe takes you to the early history of showing films, starting in 1900. We leave from the salon (Reiponkatu 35) MON/FRI/SAT (see more detailed schedules at www.biohuvimylly.fi). Tickets €15/€10/€0

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Expérience appropriée Dans August


Kinosalonki Sofia

Reiponkatu 35, 92100 Raahe
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