Welcome to join a shamanic retreat in North Karelia and North Savo regions in Eastern Finland.
with Helena Karhu
7 days / 6 nights
All the retreat days include guided walk in the local environment and in the power places of North Karelian nature. Welcome to this sacred land, to continue the journey, and to increase the wholeness of well-being. The safe and professional guidance of Karhun Talo is offered as part of your travel and retreat experience.
This retreat package includes a cultural touch of the ancestral practices and wisdom of North Karelia. The folk beliefs and mythologies of the spirits of nature, the sacred power places of nature, and the seers and sages of this land are with us during this retreat day. The shaman drum will be playing, as we connect to the heart essence of the ancestral wisdom, and we remember our old roots as human tribe.
There is a theory that North Karelia might have been a “Terra Feminarum”, “ a land of women” in the ancestral times. This hypothesis has foundation for example in the many place names in North Karelia, that include the word “Louhi”, which means an old mythical and powerful female architype in the traditional epic poetry. The potential matriarchal cultural roots give fascination for our imagination, as we connect with our ancestral lands and divine feminine archetypes. The beauty of the Mother Nature of North Karelia is spreading like a mandala around the sacred mountain of Akka-Koli (“the female Koli mountain”) and the Lake Pielinen.
This retreat is like a mystical journey to embrace the beauty and balance of our inner and outer nature. The deep essence of North Karelia can unfold in its vast beauty and authenticity, as we rest and journey as we are. Welcome to get the real sense of what this sacred land is truly about!