
Abraham Ojanperä Home Museum in Liminka

Abraham Ojanperä Home Museum is central part of the museum area in Old Liminka. This Aappola memorial home of the Liminka-based opera singer and one of the most notable early Finnish song pedagogues, Abraham Ojanperä (1856–1916), gives the visitors a glimpse into the singer’s life. The museum area also comprises the Vilho Lampi Museum and Liminka Local History Museum.

The speciality of the Aappola building, now a museum, is its well-preserved artistic interior with European influences from early 20th century, filled with colourful wallpapers, carpets, door curtains and furniture. The building itself comprises two parts. The old, lower side was built in late 19th century, while the newer, tower-like structure was built in 1910 and features outdoor terraces pointing at three different directions. Both sides have a log frame and their building methods follow the era’s typical northern Finnish construction style. The new side, however, is quite unique in appearance in Finland.

Visitors can enjoy the colourful decor of Abraham Ojanperä Home Museum during the summer season.

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Expérience appropriée Dans May, June, July, August, September


Visit Liminka

Rantatie 14, 91900 Liminka
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