
Alpaca Picnic

De 27 €
Durée 1 heures

A picnic day with local Alpacas! Available during spring, summer and autumn 2025.

Enjoy private outdoor alpaca picnic with your family and friends.

Picnic includes:

- Picnic box (sweet and savoury delicates) and beverage from Café Mathildedal

- Short info about alpacas and free socializing with alpacas - Ruukin kehräämö ja puoti

Picnic time is 1h per group

Get your own group (max 8 people) together and head for the picnic!

Où en Finlande?



Expérience appropriée Dans May, June, July, August


Hotel Mathildedal

Ruukinrannantie 6, 25660 Mathildedal
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