
Koli Sculpture Garden

De 3 €

The Sculp­tu­re Park is one of the fi­nest att­rac­tions in Ko­li! It co­vers an area of app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly one hec­ta­re and is lo­ca­ted 1.2 ki­lo­me­ters from Ko­li's vil­la­ge cen­ter. The area is di­vi­ded in­to sec­tions ba­sed on the co­lors of plants. The con­ti­nual­ly evol­ving area is ador­ned with imp­res­si­ve sculp­tu­res crea­ted by a hor­ti­cul­tu­rist and self-taught ar­tist, as well as Fin­land's mas­ter of sto­ne car­ving, Las­se Mar­ti­kai­nen.

The Sculp­tu­re Park is al­so well-sui­ted for fa­mi­lies with child­ren!

Lasse has been passionate about fantasy culture throughout his life, and this is strongly reflected in his sculptures. His subjects include mythological creatures like the Minotaur and unicorn. His art is also infused with a deep connection to nature. Koli and nature excursions with his father inspired him to create a life-sized iron tree. Sometimes, his subjects can merge, as seen in the three-meter-long caterpillar made to scale.

Many of his works use recycled materials, such as old greenhouse heating pipes and cultivation troughs, giving them a new lease on life. This brings art into the modern day and makes it more environmentally friendly.

New sculptures and plants are added to the park every year, so it’s worth visiting the park multiple times.

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Expérience appropriée Dans May, June, July, August, September


Koli Sculpture Garden / Kolin Veistospuisto

Martikkalantie 13, 83960 KOLI
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