
Heinola Bird Sanctuary


Bird Rescue and Sanctuary in Heinola (Heinolan lintuhoitola)

The idea of the Bird Rescue and Sancturary in Heinola is to treat the injured wild birds and restore them back to nature. Every year, around 200-250 birds will be treated, 30-40% of which can be returned to nature.

Lintuhoitola Bird Rescue and Sanctuary is open daily year around. There are both wild birds rescued from the nature and pets, such as colourful parrots.

Lintuhoitola is maintained by the city of Heinola and it has become one of the most popular places to visit in Heinola.

Note! In low season (1.8.-31.5.) shorter opening hours - the sanctuary closes 2 hours earlier.

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A. F. Aironkatu 3, 18100 Heinola
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