The accessible local recreation area Pitkäkosken ELVI invites you to relax and spend quality time outdoors. The six-hole disc golf course is a great place to learn about the ins and outs of the sport and practice your throwing. It is worth packing a picnic lunch for the trip, and take a proper snack break by the fire in the hut/ shelter. The landscape trail, paved with durable wood, on the riverbank invites you to enjoy the Finnish soulful landscape without rushing. The guide boards on the landscape trail make it easy to get to know the municipality of Miehikkälä, its history and tourist attractions.
The area has a parking area and an accessible park. There is also an accessible dry toilet.
No winter maintenance. The hut and campfire site are also available in winter, when they may not be accessible depending on the snow conditions.
Pitkäkosken ELVI can be found at Kalliokoskentie 23, 49750 Kalliokoski, Miehikkälä.