
Pappilanniemi Hiking Route


The surrounding area of Mäntyharju offers a network of undulating forest paths and Pyhävesi lakeside road network follows the coast line of Pappilanniemi and Teerniemi. The Pappilanniemi-Nuotioniemi rest area is a popular and easy day trip destination for families. You may find also geocache nearby.

Places to stop

• Pappilanniemi Nuotioniemi shelter

• Teerniemi (with table)

Places to visit and services

• old vicarage museum site

• fortress site

Starting point

Old vicarage museum site

Iso-Pappilantie 3, 52700 Mäntyharju

Starting point is located North from the Iso-Pappila museum

area. There is a wooden guide sign to the trail.

NB: On a page you'll find a brochure in English.

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Mäntyharjun kunta

Iso-Pappilantie 3, 52700 Mäntyharju
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