The cozy ABC Pitkäjärvi serves all travelers daily 24 hours a day. A tasty and a hearty lunch is served daily at ABC restaurant's buffet table. There is also a la carte menu and sweet and savory treats to go with your coffee.
At ABC Pitkäjärvi, you are also served by ABC refueling, ABC charging, ABC Market and ABC Carwash.
We ask for advance booking from groups:
Osuuskauppa Suur-Savo's restaurant sales service on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., phone 010 764 2000 (0.0835 €/call + 0.1209 €/min) or sales.suur-savo@sok.fi
At other times, ABC Pitkäjärvi tel. +358 10 764 1200 (€0.0835/call + €0.1209/min)