
Syöte Booking Centre Cottages in Rokua

Syöte Booking Centre offers cottages, semi-detached apartments and terraced apartments for rent in Rokua National Park area. You can choose from two-person terraced apartments to eight-person cottages. Other services of Rokua area can be easily reach by car or even by foot.

Rokua is a perfect holiday destination for outdoor enthusiasts or people seeking relaxation away from the crowds. There are versatile outdoor trails for both summer and winter activities, and you can easily access the trails near our accommodations. At Rokua Health & Spa Hotel you can enjoy restaurant and spa services.

In addition to Rokua National Park you can also find other amazing nature and culture attractions in Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark area, such as Lake Oulujärvi Hiking Area in Manamansalo, Lamminaho farm and Kalevala Heritage Village in Ahmas.

Please note that there is no booking centre office in Rokua, but accommodation rental is handled via Syöte Booking Centre website or by phone.




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Syötteen keskusvaraamo

Kuntoraitti, 91670 Utajärvi