Come and experience Levi’s wilderness at its best. We won’t need to go far from the beautiful centre to find a great variety of edible plants and herbs. Did you know for instance the use of fresh meadowsweet for rheumatic aches and pains in foot bath or as a dried herb to make refreshing teas to help with digestion?
Levi’s meadows, lush riverbanks and forests are a treasure of edible wild herbs, from the common fireweed great grilled with asparagus, to the more common nettles and angelica leaves as well as soldier’s herbs great in salads, warm sandwiches, or omelets. Learn how to make tasty dishes using fresh superfoods from nature, or be intrigued by their powerful medical use, knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Enjoy the soft and calming atmosphere around an open fireplace, sink in the silence of nature, and share the experience with your friends and loved ones.