The tour begins along Varpasentie and is fairly easy, with only two uphill sections. When you reach Kouvolantie you may have a bite to eat in Rantinhovi. Also near Haukijärvi there’s a nice resting place. In Tommolansalmi you can eat or have a coffee. You will appreciate the splendid scenery in the Valtolantie section. Varpasentie will take you back to Mäntyharju. You may find also geocache nearby.
Resting Place
• Haukijärvi shelter
Places to visit and services
• Rantinhovi
• Tommolansalmi Holiday Center
Starting point
Mäntyharju center
Asematie, 52700 Mäntyharju
NB: On a page www.mantyharju.fi/mantyharju-in-english/ you'll find a brochure in English.