This is an exclusive possibility to learn more in a small group of max 10 persons in the amazing wilderness destination of Kotakylä in Juuka. On Sunday we have kayaks and canoes on our disposal to connect with the local waters.
The Sauna has its very old tradition in many ancient cultures and purpose for a human being to be strengthened, renewed, or healed from within. The Steam room becomes a sacred space where one could restore the physical and spiritual well-being, dive deeper into goodness of body and Earth, knowledge, and inner wisdom. It is far more different than anything else. In Sauna we create a very special space for cosmic Water and cosmic Fire to dance the Cosmic dance, where relation with spirit and divine can be nurtured in each of us.
How can we create a Sauna ceremony by using Nature elements and applying them in Sauna? Is it important just to know the instruments and equipments? I trust that always first we start with connecting to the Land where we plan to hold the ceremony observing what is given around us. What kind of plants grow there, what stories of stones have been told in valleys, what energies of waters flow around? Everything is deeply connected and unfold in us our personal relations to the outside and the way we mirror these connections in our inside.