Lenholmen nature trail is a lovely, short path suitable for the whole family. You walk through oak meadows with glimpses of the sea where the evidence of land rise typical for the archipelago can be clearly seen.
Oak meadows are rare in Finland and the best time to visit is in spring when flowers carpet the woods, wood anemone, blue anemone, Lily of the valley and Corydalis. Later in the summer you will find cattle carrying out conservation work in meadows. You can clearly see the cattle’s impact when passing through the different zones of the reserve.
The trail is suitable for both young and old. Perfect for families due to the varied terrain and short length. As the trail is in a nature reserve you should keep to the path, and dogs are not allowed. You will find a bird tower, picnic table and composting toilet .
At the bird watching tower, keep an eye out for ospreys fishing in the bay. The hundreds of years old oak trees are impressive. Indeed Finland’s oldest oak grew here until it fell in a storm, you will still see this giant’s decomposing trunk. If you are lucky, you’ll meet some cows on your walk.
Lenholmen strict nature reserve is a short walk from Sattmark and a good place for a picnic and for bird watching.