
Möhkö Ironworks

Möhkö Ironworks is a place for the entire family! At the Ironworks you can learn about the history of the ironworks, war history and the time when Möhkö was dependent on forest industry.

The building of the Möhkö Ironworks started in 1838, in the middle of the wilderness on the brink of the Möhkönkoski rapids of the Koitajoki River. The Village of Möhkö arose and grew alongside the factory. At some point of its history, Möhkö Ironworks was the biggest lake ore ironworks in Finland. After the Ironworks period, forest and timber rafting work brought a livelihood to people in Möhkö and Ilomantsi.

Möhkö was severely mauled by the Second World War. During the Winter war 1939–1940, the village of Möhkö was invaded by the Soviet troops, and the command post of the 155th Division of the Red Army was located in Pytinki. Also the peace negotiations for the Ilomantsi region after the Winter War were held in the mansion. As a result of the negotiations, the area of municipality of Ilomantsi diminished by a third.

The exhibitions of the museum and the museum shop are located in the mansion Pytinki and the old shop building, Ambari. The three permanent exhibitions of the Ironworks tell about the refining iron, Möhkö during the war and forestry period in Möhkö. During the summer there is a changing theme exhibition in Pytinki.

The old buildings and the garden of the Möhkö Ironworks radiate an atmosphere of the old times in the beautiful scenery of the rapids. The Lemmenpolku path leads you to the surge of the Möhkönkoski rapids. Ruins of blast furnaces, restored canals and a mighty water wheel bring you to the times gone by.




合适的体验 在 June, July, August


Möhkö Ironworks

Möhköntie 209, 82980 Ilomantsi