
Nokia Arena Bowl

The heart of Nokia Arena came to be known as Bowl, or Malja in Finnish, during construction. Malja is a direct translation of bowl, which is a widely used term internationally in the context of arenas.

The Bowl is a versatile and adjustable space for various uses in addition to ice hockey games, concerts, and other major events. The floor can be used to host magnificent white tablecloth dinners for over 2 000 people. The Bowl can also be divided into separate sections for seminar and dinner use.

The space has enough capacity of seminars for more than 10 000 people. The stage can be constructed at the end of the floor section, along the side, or in the middle. The giant media cube in the ceiling, ribbon screens that circulate the arena, and dozens of smaller screens offer a visual feast that crowns any event. Everything is possible in the multi-function arena. Challenge us to create an unforgettable event together with you!




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Nokia Arena

Kansikatu 3, 33100 Tampere