
Anna Estarriola: Staged Circums­tances and Piles of Things

In Anna Estarriola’s (b.1980) art, the borders of what is possible and impossible become ambiguous and our ways of perceiving reality are examined from many different vantage points and perspectives. In April 2025, Estarriola’s extensive solo exhibition Staged Circumstances and Piles of Things will open in the main exhibition hall of Amos Rex. Estarriola was born in Catalonia and currently works in Helsinki.

The exhibition features Estarriola’s works piling up in the underground halls of Amos Rex like scenes in a play, forming a wavelike labyrinth where the perspective changes from one piece of art to the next. Drawing on science and different belief systems, Estarriola’s art depicts our quest for communication, understanding and collaboration as well as the moments of uncertainty and failure inextricably linked to this quest.

These works were created over the last ten years. They combine sculpture, moving images, sound, electronics and elements of performing arts.

The exhibition is curated by Katariina Timonen. The exhibition will be on display at Amos Rex from 2.4-31.8.2025.




合适的体验 在 April, May, June, July, August


Amos Rex

Mannerheimintie 22–24 , 00100 Helsinki