
Wilhelm Public House in Mikkeli

Pleasant atmosphere in Wilhelm Public House for the fans of good music and drinks.

Wilhelm Public House’s three different options offer something new every night. A beer parlour, karaoke and bar. What else would a person need.

Wilhelm Oluthuone is your living-room where it is easy to relax entertained by the high-quality and varied drinks selection and good company. At our bar, you can play different board games with friends in a cosy atmosphere. On weekends, some of Finland's leading artists as well as professional DJs keep you entertained. If you want to be the star of the night, karaoke is there for you. Wilhelm also has a VIP corner for the VIP moments in your life.

The restaurant has a Green key certificate.

Group booking:

Sales office, tel. +358 10 764 2000 (0,0835 €/call + 0,1209 €/min) or email:




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Wilhelm public house

Porrassalmenkatu 10 , 50100 Mikkeli