
Camping in Finland

5 minute read
Child and father camping in Finland.

Credits: Emilia Hoisko

Unique regions, easily accessible routes, four seasons – what's not to love about camping in Finland

Finns are often described as modest and simple people, which is reflected in our desire to spend holidays in the Nordic nature; simple, wild and free. And there sure is a lot to see and experience – about 70 % of Finland is covered with trees and tens of thousands of lakes. Choose from 41 national parks, over 200 hundred official campsites and countless other nature sites to start your exploration.

The basics – what should you consider when camping in Finland

The most typical and traditional way to enjoy Finnish nature is to spend a night in a tent. Setting up a tent is allowed pretty much anywhere in a forest or a beach, even privately owned areas but do follow the Everyman's Rights (and rules). In national parks, areas meant for over-night stays are separately marked. 

When setting up a tent in a natural environment, it is good to keep a few things in mind. Look for an even spot of land, preferably in the shade. Bring enough water, food, and clothes for the length of your stay. Wearing separate layers of clothing is a smart idea; in the summer, day temperatures can range from +15 Celsius to +30 depending on where in Finland you are. Winter camping is recommended only with an experienced guide, especially for beginners. Read more about winter camping gear at

If you’re looking for something in-between – getting the experience of sleeping outside but looking for some amenities – you might want to consider staying at a camping site. Camping sites in Finland usually provide visitors the chance to use a kitchen, shower, sauna, and electricity. Camping sites often offer a place for your tent – around 15 euros per night depending on the season and location – or the possibility to rent a humble cabin. To secure a spot, contact the camping site ahead of time, especially in the summertime when the high season is on. Read more about camping sites at

Credits : Harri Tarvainen
Credits: Harri Tarvainen

See the very best of Finnish nature – visit a national park

If you’re looking for an authentic nature experience and breathtaking views, head to one of the 41 national parks in Finland. Spread across all corners of the country, you can find national parks near city centres, in the wilderness of Lapland, and even in the middle of lakes.

Finnish national parks are well-maintained and have several, clearly marked routes to help the exploration of these beautiful sceneries. Most national parks are at their peak in the summer and autumn but some of them, like Riisitunturi, are pure magic in the winter as well! Go to for more information.

Credits: Daniel Ernst

What to pack on a camping trip

In Finnish we have a saying that goes like this: there's never bad weather, only bad clothing. The same goes for camping. 

Camping is almost always enjoyable if you’re well-equipped. What to take with you depends on how long and where you’re planning to stay. In a cabin, you’ll be good to go with a set of warm clothes but staying in a tent requires more planning. Did you know that a sleeping bag is of optimal temperature when you can sleep in it wearing only underwear? If you're not sure what kind of sleeping bag or other equipment you might need for your camping trip, ask for help from any service provider renting or selling camping equipment.

No matter how long you plan on to stay, a few things are key: a hat to keep a sunstroke away, snacks to keep your blood sugar levels even, water to stay hydrated, and a pair of good hiking shoes which will prevent you from springing your ankle – and most importantly take you on adventures!

Credits : Simo Tolvanen
Credits: Harri Tarvainen / North Karelia

How to reach nature spots

Finland is famous for its well-functioning public transportation system. The rail tracks take you around the country at a reasonable price. However, to reach some of the most remote – and amazing – places, a rental car might come in hand. Many national parks are reachable also by buses. Bus stops are rarely right at the national park entrance so a bit of walking might be needed to reach the park. It's worth it, though!

For information about public transportation options in Finland, use the service.

Credits: Juho Kuva

Freedom and respect go hand in hand

Many of the best things in life are free and accessible to everyone, like nature. In Finland – much like in the other Nordic countries – we have a system called Everyman's Rights to give people the freedom to roam whilst respecting nature. The freedom to enjoy nature no matter who owns the land reflects the Finnish society at large with its strong ethos of equality for all.

We recommend taking a minute or two to get to know the Everyman’s Rights before leaving for your camping trip. Then you'll know what you can – and cannot – do when out and about.

When spending time in nature a good rule is to leave the place as you found it. Don’t leave any trash behind and be mindful of where you walk. In this way, you’ll ensure that you and your fellow campers can enjoy the treasures of nature in the future, too.

Credits: Valtteri Hirvonen

Bonus tip: try a hammock!

In a forest there’s not always a lot of even ground to make yourself comfortable to read a book or take a nap, but we sure do have trees in Finland. The solution? A lightweight, portable hammock. A hammock gives you the chance to lie down (sort of), change perspective, and watch the sky, trees, and birds. At best, its gentle swing might make you fall asleep!

Credits : Samuel Taipale
Credits: Emilia Hoisko Photography

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